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Rodrigo Rodrigues - Director, Producer, specialized in Visual Effects with a First-Class Honours Bachelor of Science degree from the University of West London. Currently, Rodrigo is enrolled for a Postgraduate Master's in Film - Directing Fiction at Queen Mary University of London. Directly involved in overseeing various aspects of the production process, responsibilities include script development, budgeting, hiring key crew members, coordinating production logistics, and managing the project from start to finish."


  • rodrigo.rodrigues.studios
  • Rodrigo Rodrigues

"TV Series - Share a real historical story from your family or someone you know. Write a brief summary below, and we'll get in touch with you."

"Serie TV - Condividi una storia storica reale della tua famiglia o di qualcuno che conosci. Scrivi un breve riassunto qui sotto e ti contatteremo."

"Série de TV - Compartilhe uma história histórica real da sua família ou de alguém que você conhece. Escreva um breve resumo abaixo, e entraremos em contato com você."

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